СТРУКТУРНО-ФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНА МОДЕЛЬ ПРОФЕСІЙНОГО РОЗВИТКУ ВИКЛАДАЧІВ ПРЕДМЕТІВ ПРОФЕСІЙНО-ТЕОРЕТИЧНОЇ ПІДГОТОВКИ Анотація. У статі представлено структурно-функціональну модель професійного розвитку викладачів предметів професійно-теоретичної підготовки у системі післядипломної освіти, яка має цільовий, змістовий, технологічний, діагностико-результативний блоки. Визначені критерії ефективності реалізації кожного. Модель апробовано та реалізовано в Запорізькому регіоні.
STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL MODEL OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS OF PROFESSIONAL AND THEORETICAL PREPARATION SUBJECTS IN THE POSTAL EDUCATION SYSTEM Olena Babkova Zaporizhzhia regional institute of postgraduate pedagogical education, Ukraine Abstract. The article presents the structural-functional model of professional development of teachers of vocational andtheoretical training subjects in the system of post-graduate education, which has target, content, technological, diagnostic and productive blocks. The criteria for the effectiveness of each implementation are defined. The model has been tested and implemented in Zaporozhye region. The author outlines the main principles of professional development, which allow to rationally construct the educational process and foresee the formation of general, professional (psychological pedagogical), professional (substantive) competencies of teachers. The integral criterion of the formed professional competence, the components of which are: motivational, substantive procedural, evaluative and reflexive criteria, is determined. The indicators of the formation of each component are presented: motivational - the need for enrichment, renewal of vocational and pedagogical knowledge; meaningful - the formation of a system of knowledge on the theoretical and methodological foundations of vocational and pedagogical activities; procedural - the formation of skills and skills in designing the educational process in the context of reforming the national system of vocational education. It has been determined that the professional development of teachers of vocational and theoretical training courses in postgraduate education is a purposeful, organized, coherent process with components of professional competence (motivational, substantive, procedural, evaluative and reflexive), which are necessary for the successful implementation of educational activities, which are carried out in the course and internship periods, and involves the creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions as a set of objective opportunities that ensure successful achievement of the goal. Keywords: professional development, principles of professional development, coursework and between courses of advanced training, emotional burnout syndrome. Список використаних джерел
Додано: 22.01.2019 | Переглядів: 1165 | | |
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