ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ ЕЛЕМЕНТІВ ШТУЧНОГО ІНТЕЛЕКТУ У ПРОЦЕСІ ПІДГОТОВКИ ФАХІВЦІВ З ІНФОРМАЦІЙНИХ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ Формулювання проблеми. У статті здійснена спроба опису освітнього потенціалу технологій штучного інтелекту та обґрунтування доцільності його використання у процесі професійної підготовки фахівців з інформаційних технологій. Потужності штучного інтелекту та його широке застосування у споживацькій сфері зумовило вибір напрямку нашого дослідження щодо його використання в освіті. Через застарілі підходи до викладання та стандартизацію вищої освіти виникла потреба персоналізації навчальних курсів, поглибилась проблема професійного вигорання викладачів. У статті проаналізовано діючі проекти та платформи із застосуванням штучного інтелекту. APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ELEMENTS IN THE PROCESS OF PREPARATION OF PROFESSIONALS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Formulation of the problem. The article attempts to describe the educational potential of artificial intelligence technologies and substantiates the feasibility of its use in the process of professional training of information technology specialists. The power of artificial intelligence and its widespread use in the consumer sector has determined the direction of our study on their use in education. Due to outdated approaches to teaching and standardization of higher education, there was a need for personalization of training courses, and the problem of professional burnout of teachers was deepened. The article analyzes current projects and platforms using artificial intelligence. Materials and methods. The basis of scientific research for the writing of this article are the theory and methodology of informatization of education; Personality-active approach to the analysis and assessment of educational events; Personality-oriented approach of learning; development and using of intelligence and expert systems. We used the theoretical (formalization, deduction), general (analysis, synthesis, generalization), and empirical (observation, tentatively retrieval stage of pedagogical experiment, comparison) methods. Results. Theoretical studies have made it possible to argue that in higher education, it is expedient to apply such elements of artificial intelligence as personalization of programs and platforms, non-auditing studies, "Internet of Things" and use of blockade technology. During the pilot study, emphasis was placed on the introduction of adaptive learning (on the platform Stepik) and proctoring (ProctorEdu system) in the learning process. The obtained results are considered as the basis for further introduction of elements of artificial intelligence into professional training of specialists in the field of information technologies. Conclusions. The conducted pilot study confirmed the adequacy of the methodology for collecting and analyzing empirical data for the tasks and objectives of the study and the features of the research situation. Thanks to the positive influence of the applied teaching methods, we see the further development of online training courses for specialists in the chosen field. The prospect of further scientific research is the study and implementation of an experiment on the implementation of the blockade technology in the learning process of future IT professionals. Key words: artificial intelligence technology, training, IT specialists, adaptive training, proctoring, aerobatic research. Список використаних джерел
Додано: 18.09.2019 | Переглядів: 1047 | | |
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